Airports :
Yellowknife Airport
Yellowknife, Northwest Territories, Canada
latitude: 62-28N, longitude: 114-27W, elevation: 205 m
Current weather observation
Overcast at a height of 5400 ft
METAR: CYZF 050824Z 27007KT 15SM BKN009 OVC054 M10/M12 A2987 RMK ST5SC3 SLP139
Time: 01:54 (08:54 UTC)
Broken clouds at a height of 4000 ft
Overcast at a height of 12000 ft
from 05 at 09 UTC to 05 at 21 UTC
Overcast at a height of 4000 ft
from 05 at 16 UTC to 05 at 18 UTC
Broken clouds at a height of 2500 ft
from 05 at 21 UTC to 06 at 03 UTC
Overcast at a height of 2500 ft
TAF: CYZF 050840Z 0509/0612 28008KT P6SM FEW008 BKN040 OVC120 TEMPO 0509/0521 5SM -SN BKN008 OVC040 BECMG 0516/0518 30015KT FM052100 30015KT P6SM SCT015 BKN025 TEMPO 0521/0603 BKN015 OVC025 FM060300 32015KT P6SM SCT025 RMK NXT FCST BY 051200Z
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