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Airports :

Miles City Airport

Miles City, Montana, United States

latitude: 46-25-41N, longitude: 105-53-11W, elevation: 2627 ft

Current weather observation

The report was made 10 minutes ago, at 16:53 UTC
Wind 21 mph from the North with gusts up to 29 mph
Temperature 23°F
Humidity 93%
Pressure 29.99 in. Hg
Visibility: 0.25 miles
snow, freezing fog

METAR: KMLS 301653Z AUTO 36018G25KT 1/4SM SN FZFG VV006 M05/M06 A2999 RMK AO2 SLP182 P0003 T10501061

Time: 10:03 (17:03 UTC)


The report was made 5 hours and 42 minutes ago, at 11:21 UTC
Forecast valid from 30 at 12 UTC to 31 at 12 UTC
Wind 12 mph from the North
Visibility: 3 miles
Scattered clouds at a height of 700 ft
Broken clouds at a height of 3000 ft
light snow, mist
from 30 at 12 UTC to 30 at 14 UTC
Visibility: 1 miles
Overcast at a height of 700 ft
light snow, mist
From 30 at 1400 UTC
Wind 13 mph from the North/Northwest
Visibility: 3 miles
Scattered clouds at a height of 700 ft
Overcast at a height of 2000 ft
light snow, mist
from 30 at 14 UTC to 30 at 18 UTC
Visibility: 0.75 miles
Overcast at a height of 700 ft
light snow, mist
From 30 at 2100 UTC
Wind 12 mph from the North/Northwest
Visibility: 3 miles
Scattered clouds at a height of 1000 ft
Broken clouds at a height of 2500 ft
light snow
From 30 at 2300 UTC
Wind 9 mph from the Northwest
Visibility: 6 miles
Scattered clouds at a height of 700 ft
Overcast at a height of 1500 ft

TAF: KMLS 301121Z 3012/3112 35010KT 3SM -SN BR SCT007 BKN030 TEMPO 3012/3014 1SM -SN BR OVC007 FM301400 34011KT 3SM -SN BR SCT007 OVC020 TEMPO 3014/3018 3/4SM -SN BR OVC007 FM302100 33010KT 3SM -SN SCT010 BKN025 FM302300 31008KT 6SM BR SCT007 OVC015

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