Airports :
Riga International Airport
Riga, Latvia
latitude: 56-55N, longitude: 023-58E, elevation: 10 m
Current weather observation
METAR: EVRA 271020Z 21004KT 2400 1400 R18/P2000N -DZ BR OVC002 06/06 Q1032 NOSIG
Time: 12:36 (10:36 UTC)
from 27 at 09 UTC to 27 at 11 UTC
from 27 at 11 UTC to 27 at 15 UTC
from 27 at 15 UTC to 27 at 21 UTC
from 27 at 21 UTC to 28 at 09 UTC
TAF: EVRA 270808Z 2709/2809 22005KT 5000 BR OVC003 TEMPO 2709/2711 1500 DZ BR TEMPO 2711/2715 1500 -DZRA BR OVC001 TEMPO 2715/2721 1500 DZ BR TEMPO 2721/2809 1500 -RADZ BR OVC001
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