The report was made 9 hours and 52 minutes ago, at 06:00 UTC
Forecast valid from 14 at 06 UTC to 15 at 12 UTC
Wind 12 mph from the North
Visibility 6.2 miles or more
Clear sky
Becoming from 14 at 14 UTC to 14 at 15 UTC
Wind 14 mph from the East/Northeast with gusts up to 21 mph
Visibility 6.2 miles or more
Few clouds at a height of 13000 ft
Becoming from 14 at 21 UTC to 14 at 22 UTC
Wind 10 mph from the East
Visibility: 5955 ft
Overcast at a height of 900 ft
light rain showers,
TAF: KEGI 140600Z 1406/1512 36010KT 9999 SKC QNH3028INS BECMG 1414/1415 06012G18KT 9999 FEW130 QNH3045INS BECMG 1421/1422 10009KT 9999 -SHRA OVC009 QNH3032INS TX19/1419Z TN07/1411Z LAST NO AMDS AFT 1406 NEXT 1815
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