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Airports :

Moody Air Force Base

Valdosta, Georgia, United States

latitude: 30-58N, longitude: 083-12W, elevation: 233 ft

METAR: missing

Time: 01:05 (06:05 UTC)


The report was made 13 hours and 4 minutes ago, at 17:01 UTC
Forecast valid from 20 at 17 UTC to 21 at 23 UTC
Wind 12 mph from the West with gusts up to 17 mph
Visibility 6.2 miles or more
Clear sky
from 21 at 00 UTC to 21 at 01 UTC
Wind 12 mph from the West/Northwest with gusts up to 17 mph
Visibility 6.2 miles or more
Clear sky
from 21 at 03 UTC to 21 at 04 UTC
Wind 17 mph from the West/Northwest with gusts up to 23 mph
Visibility 6.2 miles or more
Clear sky
from 21 at 05 UTC to 21 at 06 UTC
Wind 12 mph from the North/Northwest with gusts up to 17 mph
Visibility 6.2 miles or more
Clear sky
from 21 at 08 UTC to 21 at 09 UTC
Wind 12 mph from the North/Northwest with gusts up to 17 mph
Visibility: 9239 ft
Clear sky

TAF: KVAD 201701Z 2017/2123 28010G15KT 9999 SKC 510009 510909 530009 530909 QNH3005INS BECMG 2100/2101 30010G15KT 9999 SKC 510009 510909 530009 530909 QNH3010INS BECMG 2103/2104 30015G20KT 9999 SKC 510006 QNH3017INS BECMG 2105/2106 33010G15KT 9999 SKC 510006 QNH3019INS BECMG 2108/2109 33010G15KT 9999 SKC QNH3019INS TX17/2019Z TN02/2112Z LAST NO AMDS AFT 2017 NEXT 2816

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