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Airports :

Trabzon Airport

Trabzon, Turkey

latitude: 41-00N, longitude: 039-43E, elevation: 35 m

Current weather observation

The report was made 35 minutes ago, at 15:20 UTC
Wind 3 kt from the South, varying between Southeast and South/Southwest
Temperature 16°C
Humidity 36%
Pressure 1017 hPa
Visibility 10 km or more
no clouds below 1500 m and no cumulonimbus

METAR: LTCG 261520Z 19003KT 140V210 CAVOK 16/01 Q1017 NOSIG RMK RWY29 VRB02KT

Time: 18:55 (15:55 UTC)


The report was made 5 hours and 15 minutes ago, at 10:40 UTC
Forecast valid from 26 at 12 UTC to 27 at 12 UTC
Wind 2 kt from variable directions
Visibility 10 km or more
no clouds below 1500 m and no cumulonimbus
from 26 at 14 UTC to 26 at 18 UTC
Wind 12 kt from the South/Southwest
from 26 at 18 UTC to 26 at 21 UTC
Scattered clouds at a height of 3500 ft
Broken clouds at a height of 10000 ft
from 26 at 21 UTC to 27 at 01 UTC
Broken clouds at a height of 3500 ft
light rain showers
from 27 at 09 UTC to 27 at 12 UTC
Wind 12 kt from the West

TAF: LTCG 261040Z 2612/2712 VRB02KT CAVOK BECMG 2614/2618 21012KT BECMG 2618/2621 SCT035 BKN100 TEMPO 2621/2701 -SHRA BKN035 BECMG 2709/2712 28012KT

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