METAR: KVOK 050555Z AUTO 30004KT M M CLR M14/M18 A3048 RMK AO2 SLP349 T11431183 11116 21144 410521160 55004 RVRNO $
Time: 00:52 (06:52 UTC)
The report was made 13 hours and 52 minutes ago, at 17:00 UTC
Forecast valid from 04 at 17 UTC to 05 at 23 UTC
Wind 14 mph from the North
Visibility 6.2 miles or more
Few clouds at a height of 20000 ft
Becoming from 05 at 16 UTC to 05 at 17 UTC
Wind 12 mph from the Southeast with gusts up to 17 mph
Visibility 6.2 miles or more
Few clouds at a height of 6000 ft
Becoming from 05 at 21 UTC to 05 at 22 UTC
Wind 12 mph from the Southeast with gusts up to 17 mph
Visibility: 1670 ft
Overcast at a height of 5000 ft
TAF: KVOK 041700Z 0417/0523 01012KT 9999 FEW200 QNH3031INS BECMG 0516/0517 14010G15KT 9999 FEW060 QNH3010INS BECMG 0521/0522 14010G15KT 9999 OVC050 610505 QNH3006INS TXM02/0423Z TNM15/0417Z LAST NO AMDS AFT 0421 NEXT 0509
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