Airports :
Adolfo Suárez Madrid–Barajas Airport
Madrid, Spain
latitude: 40-27N, longitude: 003-33W, elevation: 609 m
Current weather observation
Broken clouds at a height of 2200 ft
Broken clouds at a height of 3000 ft
METAR: LEMD 111100Z 18009KT 150V210 5000 -RA FEW015 BKN022 BKN030 10/09 Q1001 NOSIG
Time: 12:23 (11:23 UTC)
Scattered clouds at a height of 3000 ft
Broken clouds at a height of 4000 ft
from 11 at 06 UTC to 11 at 19 UTC
Scattered clouds at a height of 1500 ft, Towering cumulus.
from 11 at 06 UTC to 11 at 11 UTC
from 11 at 12 UTC to 11 at 18 UTC
from 11 at 17 UTC to 11 at 19 UTC
from 12 at 00 UTC to 12 at 11 UTC
from 12 at 02 UTC to 12 at 10 UTC
TAF: LEMD 110641Z 1106/1212 18008KT 9999 SCT010 SCT030 BKN040 TX12/1114Z TN02/1206Z TEMPO 1106/1119 3000 SHRA BKN012 SCT015TCU PROB40 TEMPO 1106/1111 BKN008 TEMPO 1112/1118 VRB15G25KT 3000 TSRA SCT020CB BECMG 1117/1119 29005KT TEMPO 1200/1211 4000 BR BKN006 TEMPO 1202/1210 0400 FG VV002
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