Airports :
Salamanca Airport
Salamanca, Spain
latitude: 40-57N, longitude: 005-30W, elevation: 793 m
Current weather observation
METAR: LESA 261000Z 12003KT 100V170 4000 BR SCT001 01/01 Q1030
Time: 11:29 (10:29 UTC)
from 26 at 09 UTC to 26 at 12 UTC
from 26 at 09 UTC to 26 at 12 UTC
from 26 at 19 UTC to 27 at 09 UTC
from 26 at 21 UTC to 27 at 09 UTC
TAF: LESA 260800Z 2609/2709 07004KT 9999 SCT020 TX09/2614Z TNM03/2706Z TEMPO 2609/2612 2000 BR BCFG BKN002 TEMPO 2609/2612 0100 FZFG FG VV001 TEMPO 2619/2709 3500 BR BKN002 PROB40 TEMPO 2621/2709 0400 FZFG FG VV001
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