Airports :
Yangyang International Airport
Yangyang, South Korea
latitude: 38-03-41N, longitude: 128-40-09E, elevation: 73 m
Current weather observation
METAR: RKNY 041300Z AUTO 27004KT 230V330 9999 NCD 03/M12 Q1016
Time: 22:13 (13:13 UTC)
from 04 at 12 UTC to 04 at 16 UTC
from 04 at 20 UTC to 04 at 22 UTC
from 05 at 06 UTC to 05 at 08 UTC
from 05 at 13 UTC to 05 at 17 UTC
TAF: RKNY 041100Z 0412/0518 26015G25KT CAVOK TN00/0421Z TX07/0505Z TEMPO 0412/0416 28016G35KT BECMG 0420/0422 27018G35KT BECMG 0506/0508 26010KT 9999 SCT030 TEMPO 0513/0517 32006KT
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