Airports :
Fa'a'ā International Airport
Tahiti, French Polynesia
latitude: 17-33S, longitude: 149-37W, elevation: 2 m
Current weather observation
METAR: NTAA 062230Z AUTO 11005KT 070V170 9999 FEW038/// SCT084/// BKN110/// ///CB 29/22 Q1013 TEMPO 2000 SHRA
Time: 12:53 (22:53 UTC)
Scattered clouds at a height of 13000 ft
from 06 at 21 UTC to 06 at 22 UTC
Scattered clouds at a height of 3500 ft
from 06 at 21 UTC to 07 at 03 UTC
from 07 at 03 UTC to 07 at 05 UTC
TAF: NTAA 062108Z 0621/0724 VRB05KT 9999 FEW023 SCT130 BECMG 0621/0622 FEW018CB SCT035 PROB40 TEMPO 0621/0703 2000 SHRA SCT016CB BECMG 0703/0705 FEW023
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