Airports :
Alfonso Bonilla Aragón International Airport
Cali, Colombia
latitude: 03-33N, longitude: 076-23W, elevation: 961 m
Current weather observation
Broken clouds at a height of 12000 ft
METAR: SKCL 220500Z VRB02KT 9999 FEW023 BKN120 20/20 Q1017 NOSIG
Time: 00:59 (05:59 UTC)
from 22 at 09 UTC to 22 at 11 UTC
Broken clouds at a height of 8000 ft
from 22 at 14 UTC to 22 at 16 UTC
from 22 at 18 UTC to 22 at 21 UTC
from 22 at 21 UTC to 22 at 24 UTC
TAF: SKCL 220430Z 2206/2306 VRB04KT 9999 SCT023 BECMG 2209/2211 3000 DZ BR BKN005 BKN080 BECMG 2214/2216 8000 NSW SCT020 TEMPO 2218/2221 SCT020TCU TEMPO 2221/2224 TS SCT017CB TX30/2219Z TN19/2210Z
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