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Airports :

Pope Field

Fayetteville / Pope, North Carolina, United States

latitude: 35-10N, longitude: 079-02W, elevation: 200 ft

Current weather observation

The report was made 57 minutes ago, at 09:55 UTC
Wind 5 mph from the Southeast
Temperature 70°F
Humidity 88%
Pressure 29.90 in. Hg
Visibility: 10 miles
Broken clouds at a height of 1000 ft
Overcast at a height of 1400 ft

METAR: KPOB 170955Z AUTO 14004KT 10SM BKN010 OVC014 21/19 A2990 RMK AO2 CIG 010V012 BKN V OVC SLP127 T02050188 $

Time: 06:52 (10:52 UTC)


The report was made 9 hours and 52 minutes ago, at 01:00 UTC
Forecast valid from 17 at 01 UTC to 18 at 07 UTC
Wind 14 mph from the East/Northeast with gusts up to 28 mph
Visibility: 26246 ft
Broken clouds at a height of 700 ft
Overcast at a height of 1500 ft
light rain, mist
from 17 at 01 UTC to 17 at 05 UTC
Wind 23 mph from the East/Northeast with gusts up to 40 mph
Visibility: 15748 ft
Scattered clouds at a height of 700 ft
Scattered clouds at a height of 1500 ft, Cumulonimbus.
Overcast at a height of 2500 ft
rain showers, thunderstorm in vicinity
from 17 at 04 UTC to 17 at 05 UTC
Wind 14 mph from the East/Northeast with gusts up to 23 mph
Visibility: 26246 ft
Broken clouds at a height of 700 ft
Overcast at a height of 1200 ft
light rain, mist
from 17 at 07 UTC to 17 at 08 UTC
Wind 10 mph from the East
Visibility: 29527 ft
Scattered clouds at a height of 400 ft
Overcast at a height of 700 ft
from 17 at 10 UTC to 17 at 12 UTC
Visibility: 15748 ft
Scattered clouds at a height of 200 ft
Overcast at a height of 400 ft
light drizzle, mist
from 17 at 15 UTC to 17 at 16 UTC
Wind 8 mph from the South/Southeast
Visibility 6.2 miles or more
Scattered clouds at a height of 1200 ft
Broken clouds at a height of 1700 ft
Overcast at a height of 2500 ft
from 17 at 18 UTC to 17 at 19 UTC
Wind 8 mph from the South/Southeast
Visibility 6.2 miles or more
Broken clouds at a height of 2000 ft
Broken clouds at a height of 4000 ft
showers in vicinity
from 17 at 21 UTC to 17 at 22 UTC
Wind 6 mph from variable directions
Visibility 6.2 miles or more
Scattered clouds at a height of 2500 ft
Broken clouds at a height of 4000 ft
from 18 at 06 UTC to 18 at 07 UTC
Wind 3 mph from variable directions
Visibility: 5633 ft
Scattered clouds at a height of 300 ft
Scattered clouds at a height of 1000 ft

TAF: KPOB 170100Z 1701/1807 06012G24KT 8000 -RA BR BKN007 OVC015 WS018/06045KT QNH2987INS TEMPO 1701/1705 06020G35KT 4800 SHRA VCTS SCT007 SCT015CB OVC025 BECMG 1704/1705 07012G20KT 8000 -RA BR BKN007 OVC012 WS018/08035KT QNH2987INS BECMG 1707/1708 09009KT 9000 BR SCT004 OVC007 510053 QNH2987INS TEMPO 1710/1712 4800 -DZ BR SCT002 OVC004 BECMG 1715/1716 15007KT 9999 NSW SCT012 BKN017 OVC025 QNH2990INS BECMG 1718/1719 15007KT 9999 VCSH BKN020 BKN040 QNH2990INS BECMG 1721/1722 VRB05KT 9999 NSW SCT025 BKN040 QNH2990INS BECMG 1806/1807 VRB03KT 4800 BR SCT003 SCT010 QNH2992INS TX27/1720Z TN20/1710Z LAST NO AMDS AFT 1702 NEXT 1717

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