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Weather :

10-day weather forecasts

Cities :

temperatures, WeatherWind

Hanoi, Vietnam

Temperature (°C)Weather
Sunday 081616OvercastOvercastOvercastOvercast
Monday 091621OvercastOvercastOvercastBroken cloudsBroken cloudsOvercastOvercastOvercast
Tuesday 101826OvercastOvercastFew cloudsOvercastOvercastOvercastOvercastOvercast
Wednesday 111422light rainlight rainlight rainlight rainlight rainlight rainlight rainlight rain
Thursday 121419OvercastOvercastOvercastOvercastBroken cloudsOvercastOvercastOvercast
Friday 131518OvercastOvercastOvercastOvercastOvercastOvercastOvercastOvercast
Saturday 141416OvercastOvercastOvercastOvercastOvercastOvercastOvercastOvercast
Sunday 151415OvercastOvercastOvercastOvercastOvercastOvercastOvercastOvercast
Monday 161321Scattered cloudsOvercastFew cloudsFew cloudsClear skyClear skyFew cloudsOvercast
Tuesday 171421OvercastOvercastBroken cloudsBroken cloudsFew cloudsClear skyFew cloudsFew clouds
Change units (°C/°F)

10-day weather forecasts for cities around the world.

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Hover mouse over to see the name of the city.

Then click to see weather forecasts.

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Weather :