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Weather :

10-day weather forecasts

Cities :

temperatures, WeatherWind

Hargeisa, Somalia

Temperature (°F)Weather
Saturday 276881light rainlight rainScattered cloudsOvercastlight rain showersClear skyOvercast
Sunday 286686Clear skyFew cloudsOvercastFew cloudsOvercastOvercastlight rainlight rain
Monday 297084OvercastOvercast, strong windOvercast, strong windOvercastOvercastOvercastOvercastOvercast
Tuesday 306881OvercastBroken clouds, strong windScattered clouds, strong windOvercastOvercastOvercastClear skyOvercast
Wednesday 316882Clear skyBroken clouds, strong windScattered clouds, strong windBroken cloudsFew cloudsFew cloudsOvercastlight rain showers
Thursday 016882light rainFew clouds, strong windOvercast, strong windFew cloudsOvercastOvercastOvercastOvercast
Friday 026477OvercastOvercast, strong windClear sky, strong windlight rain showerslight rain showersBroken cloudsOvercastBroken clouds
Saturday 036881OvercastBroken cloudsOvercastOvercastOvercastOvercastOvercastFew clouds
Sunday 046682Overcast, strong windScattered clouds, strong windOvercast, strong windBroken cloudsOvercastOvercastOvercastOvercast
Change units (°C/°F)

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Weather :