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10-day weather forecasts

Cities :

temperatures, WeatherWind

N'Djamena, Chad

Temperature (°C)Weather
Friday 182637light rainBroken cloudsBroken cloudsClear skyClear skyScattered cloudsBroken cloudsScattered clouds
Saturday 192738Few cloudsClear skyClear skyFew cloudsClear skyClear skyOvercastScattered clouds
Sunday 202738Broken cloudsClear skyOvercastOvercastOvercastOvercastClear skyFew clouds
Monday 212838OvercastScattered cloudsOvercastClear skyBroken cloudsClear skylight rainClear sky
Tuesday 222838Few cloudsFew cloudsFew cloudsClear skyScattered cloudsClear skyFew cloudsClear sky
Wednesday 232739Clear skyFew cloudsScattered cloudsClear skyFew cloudsClear skyFew cloudsFew clouds
Thursday 242639Few cloudsClear skyFew cloudsScattered cloudsScattered cloudsClear skyScattered cloudsClear sky
Friday 252840Few cloudsOvercastFew cloudsClear skyOvercastOvercastOvercastBroken clouds
Saturday 262739Few cloudsFew cloudsClear skyFew cloudsFew cloudsOvercastFew cloudsOvercast
Change units (°C/°F)

10-day weather forecasts for cities around the world.

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Hover mouse over to see the name of the city.

Then click to see weather forecasts.

To change the map : click on the green buttons with a black cross to zoom in, on the green button with a dash to zoom out, or on the green arrows for adjacent maps.

Weather :