Airports :
Carriel Sur International Airport
Concepción, Chile
latitude: 36-46S, longitude: 073-03W, elevation: 12 m
Current weather observation
METAR: SCIE 150800Z 02005KT 4000 BR OVC004 16/15 Q1016
Time: 05:52 (08:52 UTC)
Overcast at a height of 1500 ft
from 15 at 13 UTC to 15 at 15 UTC
from 15 at 18 UTC to 15 at 22 UTC
Overcast at a height of 1000 ft
from 16 at 00 UTC to 16 at 02 UTC
Broken clouds at a height of 1500 ft
from 16 at 04 UTC to 16 at 06 UTC
TAF: SCIE 150400Z 1506/1606 02005KT 9999 BKN008 OVC015 TX19/1519Z TN15/1510Z BECMG 1513/1515 30015KT TEMPO 1518/1522 6000 -SHRA BKN006 OVC010 BECMG 1600/1602 20010KT SCT010 BKN015 BECMG 1604/1606 BKN025
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