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10-day weather forecasts

Cities :

temperatures, WeatherWind

Orcadas Base, Argentina

Temperature (°F)Weather
Sunday 082728Broken cloudsOvercastBroken cloudsOvercastOvercastOvercastOvercast, strong windOvercast, strong wind
Monday 092334light snow, strong windlight rain, strong windlight snow, strong windlight rain showers, strong windOvercast, strong windOvercast, strong windOvercast, strong windOvercast
Tuesday 101832light rain showersOvercastOvercastOvercastlight rainOvercastlight snowlight snow
Wednesday 112330light snowlight snowlight snowlight snow showerslight rain showersOvercastOvercastOvercast
Thursday 122130OvercastOvercastOvercastOvercastOvercastFew cloudsOvercastlight snow, strong wind
Friday 131932light snow, strong windlight snowOvercastOvercastBroken cloudsClear skyOvercast, strong windOvercast
Saturday 14923Broken cloudsScattered cloudsOvercastlight snowlight rainClear skyFew cloudsOvercast
Sunday 15932OvercastOvercastlight snowlight snowlight snowOvercastlight snowlight rain
Monday 162532OvercastOvercastlight snowBroken cloudsOvercastOvercastOvercastlight snow
Change units (°C/°F)

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Weather :