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10-day weather forecasts

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temperatures, WeatherWind

Punta Arenas, Chile

Temperature (°F)Weather
Thursday 173943OvercastClear sky
Friday 183950Scattered cloudsOvercastOvercastOvercastOvercastOvercastlight rainlight rain
Saturday 193650light rain showersClear skyOvercastScattered cloudsOvercastClear skyBroken cloudsOvercast
Sunday 203652OvercastOvercastOvercastOvercastOvercastOvercastOvercast, strong windlight rain, strong wind
Monday 214348light rain showers, strong windOvercast, strong windFew clouds, strong windBroken clouds, strong windBroken clouds, strong windFew clouds, strong windScattered clouds, strong windOvercast, strong wind
Tuesday 224150Overcast, strong windOvercast, strong windOvercast, strong windOvercast, strong windOvercastOvercastlight rainlight rain
Wednesday 233754light rainBroken cloudsScattered cloudsOvercastBroken cloudsOvercastBroken cloudsOvercast
Thursday 243248OvercastOvercastOvercastClear sky, strong windlight rain showersScattered clouds, strong windlight rain showers, strong windScattered clouds, strong wind
Friday 253245Broken clouds, strong windOvercast, strong windOvercastlight rainlight rain, strong windlight rain showers, strong windOvercast, strong windOvercast, strong wind
Saturday 263745light rain, strong windlight rain, strong windlight rain showers, strong windOvercast, strong windBroken clouds, strong windOvercast, strong windlight rainOvercast
Change units (°C/°F)

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Weather :